Wednesday, April 1, 2009

What did you just do?

I know I know... don't start on me, I am writting now and catching up from the last few weeks (probably so I can miss the next few).
A couple of Saturdays ago Jeff and I are sitting in the living room when Hayden runs in and jumps on Jeff (as he usually does, thinking he's the best play gym ever). Jeff plays back at him and then Hayden climbs off of the couch and stands on the floor in front of the coffee table. (Bear with me, I have a point) So as Hayden is standing there he sneezes and spits all over the coffee table (we haven't gotten to the cover your mouth when your sneeze part, just when you cough). So Jeff, being the man that he is says, "Oh gross" and turns Hayden around so his butt is facing the table, picks him up, and wipes the table off with his butt (yes, he had pants on). I looked at him and said, "Please tell me you didn't just do what I think you just did?" He says, "well it was gross and I wasn't just gonna let it sit on the table". ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? Men!!!


Stacey said...

I have to tell you, I was reading this last night on my phone while I was brushing my teeth and I laughed so hard that I spit toothpaste all over my dang mirror. So send Hayden's butt over here, I need a clean mirror.

Suburban Housewife... Not so much said...

Bahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha... between his vacumming skills and his cleaning skills with that cute tush I might have to hire him out.