Friday, April 3, 2009

Mud Pies, and Mud Slides

After it rained here yesterday Hayden wanted to go outside to play. Normally after it rains I don't let him go out to our backyard because not all of the grass has grown back yet and I don't want him to get into the water and mud. So I went out and checked everything out before letting him out back and decided it was alright for him to play as long as he stayed out of the 1 or 2 water puddles that were in the yard (closer to our porch). I let him out back and explained that he needed to stay out of the water and he said, "yes mam" making me think that he understood what I was saying. Well, I go inside for a few minutes to check on some clothes and come back out to this

While he stayed out of the water puddles I didn't think to tell him to stay out of the mud also. I couldn't do anything about his filth after that nor could I get mad at him for not obeying me because he never once got in the water puddles. Oh well, he had a good time running and sliding in the mud and making tracks for his 4-wheelers and tractors to drive through. Boys will be boys!


Nicole Bradshaw said...

You almost can't get mad at him, can you? He's having so much fun being a little boy!

~Rhiannon~ said...

that's too cute! i used to create mud in our backyard and just strip mason down to his underwear and let him have at it....he loved it! muddy little naked hippie ;)