Monday, August 3, 2009

Is it time yet?

It's not even close to time! I haven't been on my personal blog in a while because I've trying to get my business blog up and going so I've not been able to keep up with my weeks on pregnancy. I have been thinking this whole time that I'm 36 weeks only to have my bubble burst to find out I'm only 34 weeks (I need to update the ticker and get it on the new due date). Doc said she would take baby Sept. 9 if he wasn't here before and as of right now I'm hoping he's here before. It would be really neat to have him share a bday with his great, great aunt Lucy and his Uncle Brad, but I'm tired of not sleeping, heart burn, back pains, joint pains, being tired all of the time, and just being pregnant in general. I went into Target the other day and saw some really cute clothes that I really wanted to buy, but then I remembered "Oh yeah, my pregnant self can't fit into those cute clothes right now". And if my doctor tells me tomorrow that he's measuring larger than normal for this part of my pregnancy, I think I might just have to tell her a few things if she's not going to induce labor right then. :o) Needless to say, unless by the grace of God He decides that I need to have another child, there will be no more babies for this part of the Little family!!! I always wanted a large family, but I'll be stopping at 2, I think that's large enough.

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