Sunday, October 18, 2009

FREE Giveaway...

Go to Little Creations Blog and leave a comment under your favorite board, a winner will be chosen randomly on Monday, 26 October. If you have something you want made (no larger than a medium board ~3 clothespins and 2 colors~) after the winner is chosen I will contact you via email or phone to get the details. FREE shipping if you are out of the Metro area. ($35 offer +shipping)EXCLUDES BOARDS WITH WOODEN EMBELLISHMENTS

Don't forget to add Little Creations on Facebook

Friday, October 2, 2009

Konner Little

He's here and we have been home now for 3 weeks and I couldn't ask for more with all of my boys/men in my house. I am out numbered in the Little household by 3 guys (4 if you count Koda, the dog) and NO we will not be trying for a girl. God knew exactly what he was doing by blessing me with 2 boys because he knows I would be pulling my hair out with a girl, then again my luck if we did keep trying is that I would get those 5 boys my mom ALWAYS prayed over me when I got on her nerves (haha).

Konner came a day earlier than expected from the last post and was born on Sept 9, 2009. That's right 09-09-09 and was ALMOST 9 pounds, weighing in at 8lbs 13oz and 21in long he came out a toddler ready to play some football. He is a great baby, having slept through the night the past 2 nights he has spoiled me already, definitely keeping my fingers crossed that he ends up loving to sleep like I do. He definitely has my eating habits down pat, after our first doctor's appointment last week he already weighed 9lbs 4oz, like I said, he is my "chunky monkey".

Without further delay, I know you guys are just looking for the pictures, so here goes. :o)
Big brother not so sure what to think yet...
Warming up to little brother on day 2. This was right after Hayden said, "does he talk?"

Day 3, going home

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Baby Boy Little #2

It's official, Baby Boy Little #2 (no official name yet) will be here Sept 10, that's this Thursday people! I go for my last sonogram this Tuesday for Doc to measure and try and figure out how big this baby boy is going to be. I can tell you right now, he's going to be larger than Hayden was and he was 7lbs 9oz and that was 2 weeks early. Can't wait to see how much larger this Little boy is going to be. I'll keep everyone updated as we progress!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Is it time yet?

It's not even close to time! I haven't been on my personal blog in a while because I've trying to get my business blog up and going so I've not been able to keep up with my weeks on pregnancy. I have been thinking this whole time that I'm 36 weeks only to have my bubble burst to find out I'm only 34 weeks (I need to update the ticker and get it on the new due date). Doc said she would take baby Sept. 9 if he wasn't here before and as of right now I'm hoping he's here before. It would be really neat to have him share a bday with his great, great aunt Lucy and his Uncle Brad, but I'm tired of not sleeping, heart burn, back pains, joint pains, being tired all of the time, and just being pregnant in general. I went into Target the other day and saw some really cute clothes that I really wanted to buy, but then I remembered "Oh yeah, my pregnant self can't fit into those cute clothes right now". And if my doctor tells me tomorrow that he's measuring larger than normal for this part of my pregnancy, I think I might just have to tell her a few things if she's not going to induce labor right then. :o) Needless to say, unless by the grace of God He decides that I need to have another child, there will be no more babies for this part of the Little family!!! I always wanted a large family, but I'll be stopping at 2, I think that's large enough.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Distressed Frames Project

For a couple of years I've looked at the distressed picture frames at the Canton Flea Market and a few other places and have never wanted to spend the money they ask for them so I went ahead and tried to make my own. Here are a couple of the ones I've done for my mom for her desk at work, I think they turned out pretty good if I do say so myself. Let me know what you think, I'm thinking of making several more. I have all of the materials to do this and was going to start today, but it is just entirely to hot outside to do anything after 7am and I'm not getting up before then to work.

As you can tell, these are not picture FRAMES exactly, but the pictures are held up by small clothes pins attached to the board, I felt like I needed to add my own personal touch to them. The "family" board doesn't have anything on it yet, but I'll get to that later. Maybe after my air gets fixed I'll go outside (I have to have a cool place to come back into) and work on some more and post pictures later tonight.
By the way, I am thinking about selling these after I get some more made, these will probably sale for around $30 so if anyone is interested email me or leave a comment. I'm always open for more ideas also, so let me hear from you!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Feeling baby brother...

After Hayden woke up this morning he we did our usual, which is to sit in the recliner, rock for a few minutes and watch cartoons. As we are rocking this morning baby brother is dancing in the belly so I asked Hayden if he wanted to feel his baby brother kick. He put his hand on my stomach and his little face just lit up when he felt him kick his hand, so he put his head on my stomach, and thought it was the funniest thing for his baby brother to kick him in the head. After that game, he decided that he wanted to see my belly button (he always like to poke people in the belly buttons for some strange reason), so he poked me in the belly button and I told him that he was going to poke his brother in the head if he didn't stop. At that moment he put his head down like he was looking in my belly and said, "I see baby, mama". Oh, out of the mouth of babes is all I could think. He is to funny, and I think now it's starting to become reality that he is about to be a big brother!